Phone: (202) 729-8160
Email: jessica@brimleygroup.com
Jessica Nickel
Jessica Nickel has a reputation for getting things done and working with both sides of the aisle on complicated policy issues.
She has substantial experience in designing and implementing legislative and appropriations strategies. Jessica's experience includes criminal justice policy and health policy, as well as developing national issue-based campaigns and grassroots initiatives. She works closely with officials on the Hill, in the White House, the Justice Department, the Department of Labor, and state and local governments.
Prior to starting the Brimley Group, Jessica served as the Director of Government Affairs for the Council of State Governments Justice Center (CSG). During her tenure, she elevated the national priorities of CSG, the nation's only organization serving all three branches of state government, and represented CSG before Congress and the Executive Branch. While with CSG, Jessica coordinated efforts to pass and fund the Second Chance Act, increase funding and reauthorize the Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction Act, and other legislative measures such as the Safe Prisons Communication Act and the Justice Reinvestment Act.
Previously, Jessica worked as a legislative aid for Senator Rob Portman while he was in the House, developing policy strategies in several issue areas including Social Security, substance abuse, and crime.
In 1998, Jessica was appointed by President Bill Clinton to serve on the Drug-Free Communities Commission that helped guide the implementation of the Drug-Free Communities Act of 1997, where she also went on to serve as co-chair.
Jessica received her B.A. from Princeton University.